Continuous Service Improvement
We are committed to understanding and adapting to the changing needs of our customers. To support this one of our key objectives is to exceed customer expectations and share learning within teams across Scomis to promote continuous service improvement. At Scomis, every day is a school day – here are some examples of how we continually learn more about how we can improve.
We value your feedback
We value all customer feedback as it provides an opportunity to listen and learn about what you think we’re doing well and what we could be doing better.
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Learning from industry best practice
By regularly putting ourselves through rigorous assessment and audit processes, we actively demonstrate that we pursue ongoing improvement through learning from industry best practice. As a result, you can be confident that we deliver what we say we do and constantly challenge ourselves in pursuit of service excellence.
Our Awards and Accreditations
Sharing our performance results
We want you to be delighted with the service you receive from us at every contact and set challenging targets in conjunction with our customers. These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are regularly reviewed to help us assess whether we are providing the best possible customer experience and to identify areas for further service improvement.
See how we are performing