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ScoBI empowers MAT leaders and School Improvement Teams to optimise performance, save time, and drive continuous improvement through robust, dynamic reporting and analytical tools.

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Tackle reporting challenges with ease


Effortless data integration

ScoBI seamlessly consolidates data from multiple MIS solutions, eliminating the need for manual consolidation.

Visually impactful reporting

Easily create data-driven reports and dashboards to inform strategic decisions and drive improvement.

Actionable insights

Identify patterns, hot spots, and areas of concern to target interventions and drive positive change.


It takes me less than a minute to create all my reports for the Board to ensure they have all the information they need.

Gary Lewis

CEO, Lighthouse Schools Partnership

Screenshot of the ScoBI Pupil Data Dashboard

Empower your schools to achieve more

  1. Identify

    Pinpoint areas for improvement across your MAT through comprehensive data analysis.

  2. Intervene

    Implement targeted strategies to address challenges and drive progress.

  3. Measure

    Track and measure the impact of your interventions, ensuring continuous improvement.

Screenshot of National Attendance Data form ScoBI

Trusted support from Scomis

Decades of expertise

Scomis has been delivering trusted support to schools for over 40 years.

Dedicated support

Our team of experts provides personalized assistance to ensure your success.

Continuous innovation

We continuously enhance ScoBI to meet the evolving needs of Multi-Academy Trusts.

Reliable partner

Trust in Scomis’ legacy of excellence and let ScoBI revolutionise your data management.

We are a growing MAT with more than one MIS in use across our schools. Producing trust level analysis on key data areas such as suspensions and exclusions can currently take up to 4 hours at a time as the information needs to be drawn from multiple reports and then collated and analysed. ScoBI will provide us with a single source of data - this will benefit us hugely by reducing the time spent on producing reports and minimising the risk of inaccurate reporting and analysis due to manual manipulation of multiple data sources.

Sarah Harrison

Trust Data Manager, Initio Learning Trust

Screenshot of Pupil Premium dashboard from ScoBI

Key features that drive efficiency

Easy to navigate dashboards

Reduce time and effort with intuitive, staff and pupil-centric dashboards.

Comprehensive data integration

Seamless consolidation of data from multiple MIS providers, no manual effort required.

Powerful Analytics

Uncover insights on attendance, vulnerable groups, and staff data with ease.

National benchmarking

Compare your performance against national statistics for informed decision-making.

Unlock the power of data

Time savings

Automate reporting processes, freeing up time for strategic initiatives.

Cost savings

Reduce manual efforts and errors, leading to significant cost savings.

Actionable insights

Gain valuable intelligence to drive informed decision-making and change.

Anytime, anywhere access

Access your data securely from any device, streamlining management.

Screenshot of Staff Demographic dashboard from ScoBI

Take the next step with ScoBI

  1. Explore

    Learn more about how ScoBI can transform your data management.

  2. Request a demo

    Experience the power of ScoBI firsthand with a personalized demonstration.

  3. Empowered decisions

    Unlock the insights you need to drive continuous improvement across your MAT.