Scomis customer training panel, the first six months
In February 2023 in our customer newsletter we put a call out for customers to volunteer to help us with customer research. Our goals were to gain insights into our training courses and overall training provision, as part of Scomis’ commitment to continuous improvement.
We recruited 107 customers to the training panel. For ease of analysis, due to the enormous range of job titles, we grouped our panel into these job areas using our own experience. We then double-checked our assumptions by asking the panel members to let us know if there was a more appropriate job group for them. Here’s the make-up of the Scomis Customer Training Panel.
89% of the panel work for establishments that are Scomis customers; 11% are either not Scomis customers or were unsure if their establishment was a Scomis customer.
We asked our panel how they would like to contribute to our customer research. Our goal was to make sure we were respectful of everyone’s time, and also to know which subset of the panel would be most likely to help us with each piece of research. Here’s how our panel offered to contribute.
Six months after asking our first research question, the insights our panel have shared with us have led to productive outputs. Here are the changes we’ve made to date.
- We’re reinstating classroom-based training for the first time since the pandemic, starting with the New User in SIMS course on 31st October 🎃 between 9.30am and 3.30pm
- Trialling bite-sized, pick’n’mix courses of one to two hours
- This monthly Training-focused customer email
- Scomis’ fortnightly customer newsletter will now always feature the two upcoming months of training courses, because most courses are booked one to two months ahead of the date
- We will contact all customers who click through to a course, to follow up with additional information to assist customer decision-making
- We have introduced ‘meet the trainer’ emails for course attendees so that they feel they know a bit about the trainer and their teaching style before the course begins
Many thanks to all our customer panel for their inputs so far.