ScomisLive Sessions
The links on this page take you to recordings produced for our ScomisLive sessions.
Each session addresses one or more of our professional interests: EdTech Futures; Strategy & Leadership; Inclusivity; Best practice with current EdTech; CPD, Recruitment & Retention; EdTech equity; Wellbeing and resilience and joy.
You’ll find visionary lectures, fireside chats, show & tells, demonstrations of global best practice, and exceptional stories from the best names (and newly discovered gems) from inside and outside Education.
So dive in for inspiration, vibrant ideas and practical advice. These sessions are endorsed for CPD (continuous personal development) by the Institute for School Business Leadership.
Day 1 - 16th March
From super tutors to immersive experience and beyond
Zoe Scaman, Bodacious
Reducing schools’ environmental impact through the implementation of tech
Anna Artemyeva, Head of Google for Education for UK & Ireland, Interim Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa
“Working as one” with Crofty MAT
Martin Post, IT Strategy Manager, Crofty MAT. Jane McFall, Education & Product Specialist, Scomis
Key Insights into the future of assessment
Craig Allen, School Leadership Partner, Scomis
Confidence and resilience through professional development: facing and embracing our EdTech future
Stephen Morales, CEO, Institute of School Business Leadership
The greatest enabler of education inclusivity: the technology and attitudes that change the world
Daniel Sobel, Inclusion Expert
Solving challenging behaviour consistently across a trust
Jenny Beesley, Pastoral Lead and Alex Craig, Head Teacher, Pencoys School, Crofty MAT. Jane McFall, Education & Product Specialist, Scomis
Reimagining teaching and learning in a fully Google school
Nick Berryman, Assistant Head and EdTech Lead, Devonport High School for Boys Academy Trust
The Google Digital Classroom
Phil Wheeler, Google Certified Trainer and Presenter, Getech and former teacher
Charting the risks and opportunities of rapid adoption of EdTech
Andrew Williams, Online Safety and Information Security Consultant, South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL)
Day 2 - 17th March
Before and beyond remote learning
Jeramie Sutton, Microsoft Senior Executive, leading Microsoft’s customer and government engagement for schools
The future of MIS is already here
James Weatherill, CEO Arbor
Moving your MIS to Arbor: Cornerstone Academy Trust
Jonathan Bishop, CEO & Executive Head Teacher, Cornerstone Academy Trust. Michael Heard, Education Business Partner, Scomis
Empowering SEND students to learn independently with EdTech
Phil Wheeler, Google Certified Trainer and Presenter, Getech and former teacher
Supporting you into the future
Debbie Foweraker, Head of Scomis and Hilary Lloyd, Customer Relationships & Business Development Manager, Scomis
The helicopter and the mosaic: wellbeing in schools
Dr Emma Kell, Those That Can
365 in the classroom
Lara Sorrell, Microsoft EdTech demonstrator
Arbor show and tell: what’s new and what we’re working on
Hilary Aylesworth, Head of Product, Arbor
The role of technology in practicing self-care and promoting resilience
Lisa Wallis-Reep, Advisory Teacher, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team, Babcock LDP. Maggie Carter, Educational Psychologist (retired) and Scomis Education & Product Specialist
Reimagining education with transformational technology at Cornerstone - the Digital Academy Trust
David James, Head of Education, Cornerstone Academy Trust. Anthony Lees, Deputy Head of School, Westclyst Community Primary School (Cornerstone Academy Trust). Paul Beavis, Scomis Education & Product Specialist
Achieving consistency in assessment policy and practice: St Christopher's Multi Academy Trust
Iain Randall, Virtual Lead, St Christopher’s MAT. Gary Henderson, School Leadership Partner, Scomis
Boosting digital inclusivity: enabling all children to fulfil their potential and access the life-changing benefits that technology brings
Elizabeth Anderson, Chief Operating Officer, Learning Foundation & Digital Poverty Alliance