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Attendance in SIMS – Tutor Led Training

Attendance provides schools with an integrated classroom and administration tool to monitor students’ attendance and behaviour. The Attendance module in a Primary school is used to record statutory attendance of AM and PM sessions. Using SIMS Attendance can help schools reduce truancy and improve safeguarding while monitoring behaviour trends in the classroom, facilitating early intervention where necessary.

2nd October 2024
10.00am - 13.00pm
£136 for Scomis customers, £177 for non-customers
Half Day
Course type
Remote tutor led course
Available Dates
2nd October 2024

Benefits of attending

Learn how to use Attendance for effective pupil attendance monitoring.

What you will learn

• Configure Attendance to individual school requirements.
• Understand the possibilities of the Take Register routine.
• Gain an insight to the potential of recording Achievement and Behaviour in the classroom.
• Understand best practice routines in maintaining the data.
• Understand the flexibility in the use of codes for lesson registration.
• Define, tailor and produce letters using automatic routines.

Who is it for?

Staff with responsibility for maintaining Pupil/Student attendance records. An understanding of attendance procedures and familiarity with SIMS would be beneficial. This course is for schools who do not use Lesson Monitor to record attendance. If your school uses Lesson Monitor please book a place on LM-1-05R Lesson Monitor – Remote.

Also Consider:

Discover – Analytical Graphs in SIMS – Tutor Led Training (