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FMS for New Users (Part 3) Regular Tasks for Academies and Local Payment Schools, Monthly processes, Management Reports and Journals – Tutor Led Training

This course covers the procedures that are usually undertaken at a month end such as bank reconciliation, VAT processing and payroll processing In addition Management Reports and Journals will be covered. A PC with a camera and a headset with a microphone are required for all our training courses.

Next date to be confirmed
£136 for Scomis customers, £177 for non-customers
Half Day
Course type
Remote tutor led course

The course is aimed at those new to FMS –  Bursars, Business Managers, Administrative Staff and Finance Directors


Course Contents

  • Bank Processes and bank reconciliation
  • VAT Processing
  • Payroll procedures
  • Management Reports and Audit Trails
  • Journals to adjust the nominal ledger