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Domestic Exams in SIMS – Tutor Led

This course details how SIMS Examinations Organiser can be used to manage domestic (internal/mock/PPE) examinations. The purpose of a domestic exam season in Examinations Organiser is to extend the functionality available for public exams to domestic exams. This course covers the initial planning and preparation for these exams, creating basedata, managing candidates, making entries, and arranging seating. It also explores links to SIMS Assessment.

9th October 2024
10.00am - 13.00pm
£136 for Scomis customers, £177 for non-customers. However, if you book both Basic and Intermediate sessions, the total price would be £200 for Scomis customers, £259 for non-customers
Half Day
Course type
Remote tutor led course
Available Dates
9th October 2024

Benefits of attending

To learn how to use SIMS to manage domestic examinations.

What you will learn

• Create a domestic exams season
• Identify candidates and issue exam numbers
• Create appropriate basedata
• Record ‘entries’
• Manage seating including clashes
• Run reports
• Clone a basedata series

Who is it for?

Exam officers and administrative staff responsible for organising internal examinations. Becoming familiar with the use of Examinations Organiser for administering external exams before considering setting up a domestic season is strongly recommended.

Also Consider:
Examinations Organiser Training Series (SIMS) – Session 1: Setting up Examinations Organiser – Tutor Led Training – SCOMIS

Examinations Organiser Training Series (SIMS) – Session 2: Importing Basedata, Entries and Submissions – Tutor Led Training – SCOMIS

Examinations Organiser Training Series (SIMS) – Session 3: Seating, Reports and Timetables – Tutor Led Training – SCOMIS

Managing Examinations Results Day Excluding Analysis in SIMS-Tutor led training (