Benefits of attending
To gain an overview and understanding of the requirements of the new school year, including dealing with the new school year admissions and leavers.
What you will learn
• Create a new academic year and set up the school diary.
• Record changes to teaching staff.
• Make pastoral structure adjustments including creating new class groups.
• Undertake pastoral promotion routines to update year group and class group memberships for the new school year and print class lists.
• Create new intake groups and pre-admission groups including the import of data from the LA ATF and CTFs.
• Process leavers.
• Perform general housekeeping routines.
• Producing required reports.
Who is it for?
Staff with responsibility for preparing SIMS for the new school year who are new to the role, including Pastoral Officers, Administrative Staff and Data Managers.
Also Consider:
Producing the School Census for Primary Schools in SIMS – Tutor Led Training (
Standard Reporting in SIMS – Tutor led training (