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30-Minute Masterclasses


Welcome to our 30-Minute Masterclasses. Below you’ll find our Autumn 2021 schedule.

Each 30-Minute Masterclass is led by Scomis experts in their fields. They’re all free of charge. And each 30-Minute masterclass will run for can you guess? a manageable 30 minutes. We’ve gone for this short and sweet approach to help you fit them into your day.

Places are limited, so please make sure you book the courses that interest you right away. We’ll send you a calendar invite and a reminder nearer the time.

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Showing 14 results

Ofsted: when an inspector calls! Personal Development

30-Minute Masterclass – finished

Ofsted’s Personal Development judgement evaluates schools’ intent to provide for the personal development of all pupils, and the quality with which this work is implemented.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) is evaluated as part of the Personal Development judgement as is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

In this 30-Minute Masterclass we show you how you can best use your MIS to monitor and track these criteria and improvements.

Staff with responsibility for Personal Development

Review and improve your remote education provision via Microsoft 365 for Education in line with DfE guidance

30-Minute Masterclass – finished

In September 2021, DfE issued new guidance on remote education provision. So in this 30-Minute Masterclass we’ll help you:

1. Identify and brush up on best practice in Microsoft 365 for Education
2. Plan efficient use of Class Teams and Communications collaboration areas
3. Use Microsoft to solve problems for teaching and learning
4. Streamline communications to improve collaboration and engagement with stakeholders on a trust or school level.

Directors Of Learning, Heads of Faculty, School Improvement Leads, Senior Leadership

Ofsted: when an inspector calls! Leadership & Management

Thursday 2nd December 2021

30-Minute Masterclass

Ofsted’s leadership and management judgement is about how leaders, managers and those responsible for governance ensure that the education that schools provide has a positive impact on all its pupils. This 30-Minute Masterclass looks at best practice in schools for using MIS to evidence expectations, outcomes, engagement, coherence, consistency workload and governance.

- 15:30PM

30 minutes + 15 minute Q&A

Heads of Faculty, Headteachers, Senior Leadership

Learn How To Move Your MIS To The Cloud

Wednesday 8th December 2021

We are hosting a free, 30-minute online presentation which will include an interactive Q&A session.

Our Moving your MIS to the Cloud Masterclass will teach you how to access SIMS via a robust, reliable and secure managed service, anytime, from anywhere and on any device. We will also discuss improving and safeguarding your data security, and how to exploit your MIS more effectively and efficiently.


- 11:00AM

20 minutes + 10 minute Q&A

Business Managers, CFO/Finance, IT Directors, Operations